Mara Cressey is a Missouri-based artist focusing on figurative drawing and painting. Her work often depicts social scenarios featuring various characters, including herself. With a strong emphasis on self-portraiture, Mara explores different versions of herself, embodying confrontational and rebellious traits. Her latest series portrays a fictional party scene with youthful characters interacting with items like snacks, beverages, and party attire. Subtle religious iconography also appears, reflecting her Catholic upbringing.

Mara needs a cohesive brand identity and an upgraded portfolio website, which I will create using Webflow. This identity will be used on social media platforms like Instagram. A unified brand identity and polished online presence are crucial for attracting attention from galleries, residencies, museums, and academic institutions, enhancing her visibility and professional opportunities.

  • Artwork by Mara Cressey

  • Artwork by Mara Cressey

  • Artwork by Mara Cressey

  • Artwork by Mara Cressey

Mood Board

Found public domain images used to inspire the project.

Disclaimer: I do not own nor have I created any of the images included in this mood board. These are public domain images. If I have made a mistake and any of these images are not in the public domain, the owners may contact me and I will immediately remove them. Attributions: Lynette Ortiz, KA Designs, Yasmine Patterns, Ruby Roller Art, Design Desk, Jaclyn Caris


I’ve seen a decrease in popularity of mascot logos in the last decade. Many prominent mascot logos are over 60 years old or have been dropped completely, such as the Aunt Jemima logo and Fighting Sioux logo. Many female mascot logos are often associated with food products and come off as soft and delicate while there are more male mascots that have an aura of masculine strength and power. The Mr. Monopoly mascot depicts the power of wealth. The Mr. Clean logo emphasizes the strong male musculature, and many sports team mascots depict strong male warriors and other physically imposing mascots.

This project presented an opportunity to revive the mascot logo that we don’t see as much of in emerging design. It also presented an opportunity to highlight feminine strength that we also don’t often see in mascot logos. This seemed fitting as Mara’s work has an emphasis on self portraiture, character development, and strong feminine qualities.




